Kymin News

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Robin Hall Robin Hall

How Ecologi is helping to solve the climate crisis

Ecologi may not be a name you are familiar with, but familiarising yourself with the company is highly recommended, as their marketplace within proactive climate action is developing at a rapid pace.

The company was initially founded by a group of environmentalists in Bristol, who were frustrated with the lack of accessible contributions normal people could make to the climate problem. This was late 2018, and since then in a relatively short period of time the company has allowed individuals, as well as companies like ourselves, the ability to offer a meaningful way to act to the problem.

With our collective home being turned upside down, we all know by now that the problem is potentially still preventable, but it’s not going to save itself. So, it is up to all of us to help solve it, by reducing our carbon footprint and restoring nature.

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Robin Hall Robin Hall

How the recent Spring Budget Statement may affect you

On Wednesday 15 March, Jeremy Hunt, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, addressed the Commons to deliver the Spring Budget 2023, with an aim to bring people back into the workforce. Mr Hunt commented that the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) expects inflation to fall from 10.7% to 2.9% by the end of 2023.

The Chancellor said the OBR now forecasts the UK will not enter a technical recession this year. But despite narrowly avoiding recession, living standards are still predicted to fall by 6% within this fiscal year and the next.

Key budget announcements included the abolishing of the Lifetime Allowance on tax-free pension contributions, which was previously set at £1,073,100. The tax-free annual pension allowance for pension pots will also rise from £40,000 to £60,000 from 6 April 2023.

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Robin Hall Robin Hall

Making a Will and distributing financial wealth or possessions

A valid Will is an incredibly important part of estate preservation planning and will ensure that should the worst happen, your assets, whether they be financial wealth or possessions, are distributed in an orderly fashion to the right beneficiaries.

It’s important to make sure that after your death, your assets and possessions go to the people and organisations you choose, such as family members and charities you want to support.

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