Kymin Guides

Click below to download our Free Digital Financial Guides

Guide to Planning for Business Owners  

Beyond the success and
growth of your business

Guide to Estate Planning  

Safeguarding your legacy for future generations

Guide to later Life Care  

When you think about your future, how far ahead do you plan?

Guide to Individual Savings Accounts  

What are the changes that have come in with the new tax year 2024/25?

Guide to Trusts  

Being prepared for
whatever lies ahead

Guide to Successful Investing

Whether planning to build a nest egg, investing for children or retirement.

Guide to a Bigger Pension Pot

How to ensure you fully exploit the benefits and allowances available.

Guide to Protecting your Family

Life is unpredictable and filled with a multitude of potential risks.

Guide to Navigating Retirement Plans

How to get your retirement plans in motion.

Guide to Year-End Tax Planning

Planning strategies to consider
before 5 April 2024.

Spring Budget Statement 2024

Analysis of key tax changes, and implications that may effect you.

Autumn Budget Statement 2023  

Analysis of key tax changes, implications for you, your family and business.

Guide to New Year Financial Planning

Take stock of your financial situation and plot a course for your future.

Guide to Investing Essentials

How to be a
successful investor

Guide to Individual Savings Accounts

A tax-efficient, flexible method for future planning.

Guide to Saving for Next Generation

Taking proactive steps in securing your child or grandchild’s financial future

Guide to Find or Trace a Lost Pension

Is it time to get your pension pots
into shape?

Guide to Tax Tables 2023 / 2024

Find out about the updated rates and thresholds for the new tax year

Guide to Bonds vs Equities

Getting the right portfolio mix to create a well-diversified portfolio.

Guide to Combining Pension Drawdown

Enjoy a comfortable and sustainable retirement income.

Guide to Retirement Planning

Building a strong plan that works with your life now, and tomorrow.

Guide to Planning for Retirement

Helping you on the way to achieving your ideal retirement lifestyle.

Guide to Protecting your future

Taking care of life’s journey, no matter what it throws at you.

Guide to Principles of Growing Money

Investing to beat inflation and build a nest egg for the future.

Spring Budget Statement 2023

Analysis of key tax changes, implications for you, your family and business.

Guide to Minimise Capital Tax Liabilities

Getting advice early and planning ahead before you sell an asset.

Guide to Setting up a Family Future

How to give them more opportunities
for life.

Guide to Revisiting your Financial Plan

Helping you to put the
future in focus.

Guide to Inheritance Tax Planning

Whatever your plans, the right advice can help bring them to life.

Guide to Individual Savings Accounts

Don’t miss the 2022/23
ISA deadline.

Guide to Planning your Retirement

Why wait for tomorrow?
Start planning today.

Guide to the Autumn Statement 2022

Analysis - key tax changes and outlining the implications that will affect you.

Guide to Investing Principles

10 fundamentals you need for
investing success

Guide to Maximising Pension Savings

Get back to dreaming about your retirement. Not dreading it.

Guide to Retirement Matters

Time to pay your pension
some attention?

Guide to Wealth Creation 

Building a personal plan for financial freedom

Guide to Leaving a Tax Efficient Legacy

Passing assets to
the next generation

Guide to Making the Most of Your Future

Getting your retirement
plans in motion

Guide to Family Protection

Three things to put on your family protection ‘to do’ list

Guide to Getting Set for Retirement

Your countdown to
retirement checklist

Guide to Investing

10 key principles that every investor needs to know

Guide to Financial Protection

Preparing for the

Guide to Building Financial Wealth

Six tried and tested principles to help you reach your investment goals

Guide to Lasting Power of Attorney 

Giving someone you trust the authority to help you make decisions

Guide to Estate Preservation

What will your legacy
look like?

Guide to Pound Cost Averaging

Smoothing out market

Guide to Navigating the Cost of Living

How you can keep the cost of bills down while inflation is high

Guide to Spring Budget 2022

All the key points are covered here - March 2022

Guide to Managing Maximising Wealth

Create a secure financial future for yourself and your family

Guide to The State Pension

What will I receive from the state in my retirement?

Guide to Setting Financial Lifestyle Goals  

Plan for tomorrow,
live for today

Guide to Autumn Budget 2021 

All the key points are covered here - October 2021

Guide to 2021/22 Tax Year-End Planning 

Protect yourself, your family
and your future

Guide to Investing

Could your money be working harder
so you don’t have to?

Guide to SIPP Schemes

A flexible, tax-efficient way of saving for your long-term future

Guide to Investing for Children

Turning growing pains
into long-term gains

Guide to Your Options At Retirement

How to turn your pension savings into
an income for life

Guide to The Future of Retirement

Clarifying your vision to determine the best course of action

Guide to Critical Illness Cover

Helping you to focus on recovery, not your finances

Guide to Passing Assets Efficiently

What will your legacy
look like?

Guide to Inheritance Tax Planning

The future can’t be predicted, but it can be protected

Guide to Six Principles of Investing

Putting aside money for your future and getting it to work for you

Guide to Portfolio Diversification

Why you should spread your savings and investments

Guide to Tax Tables 2021 / 2022

Find out about the updated rates and thresholds for the new tax year

Guide to Investing For Life's Journey

Planning for future wealth and a comfortable retirement

Guide to 2020/21 Year End Tax Planning

Keeping more of your money to enjoy, invest, save or pass on

Guide to Lifestyle Protection

Protecting your family’s financial security for the future

Guide to Individual Savings Accounts

Use it or lose it! Don’t miss out on this year’s tax efficient opportunity

Guide to Pensions Consolidation

Managing your retirement savings
in one place

Guide to Looking Back, Looking Forward

10 Key questions
for 2021

Guide to the Spring Budget 2021

All the key points covered
March 2021

Guide to Cashflow Modelling

Is it time to bring your
money to life?

Guide to Wealth Preservation, Transfer

The importance of planning for the future and having your affairs in order.

Guide to Post-Covid-19 Planning

Pandemic leads to changes in future retirees’ plans.

Guide to Spending Review 2020

How will the key announcements affect you, your family and business.

Covid-19 effects on Retirement Planning

What does the pandemic mean for your retirement plans?

Guide to Getting My Finances In Order

When it comes to making financial decisions, you don’t have to go it alone.

Guide to (ESG) Investing

Generating the best outcomes by investing responsibly and sustainably.

Guide to Pensions On Divorce

Navigating through uncertain territory during this emotional time.

Guide to Securing Your Financial Future

Protecting the most important things in life should the worst happen.

Guide to Life Insurance Protection

We are having to think about things we haven’t thought about before.

Guide to Planning My Retirement

How can I guarantee the kind of retirement I want?

Guide to Life Investment Insights

Staying focused on long-term economic and market expectations.

Guide to Tax Year-End Planning

Now is the time to make some tax-smart moves before it’s too late.

Guide to Investment Diversification

Investing in an unpredictable world, learn more with our informative guide.

Guide to Estate Preservation

The importance of making early estate preservation plans.

Guide to Investing For My Future

Your Opportunities, Your Wealth, Your Legacy.

Guide to Setting Financial Goals

How to create financial goals you can actually achieve.

Guide to Pension Freedoms

How will you turn your pension into money you can use?

Guide to Estate and Trust Planning

Helping you plan for your future and your family’s future.

Guide to Income Protection Insurance

Would you still need a monthly income if you can’t work?

Guide Understanding Investment Risk

When it comes to investing, one size definitely does not fit everyone.

Guide to Saving for A Child's Future

How to ensure your children get the best financial start in life.

Guide to Managing Investment Risk

No such thing as ‘One size fits all’ we look at Managing Investment Risk.

Guide to Critical Illness Cover

Don’t let a life-changing moment disrupt your home and work life.

Guide to Individual Savings Accounts

The little allowance with the big potential.

Guide to Lasting Powers Of Attorney

Preparing in advance of vulnerability and incapacity.

Guide to Later Life Care

Planning for one of the biggest social challenges in the coming years.

Guide Shareholder Partner Protection

Good health, good business Shareholder / partner protection guide.

Guide to Pensions and Divorce

Breaking up is hard to do! We offer some invaluable advice.